Next Sunday, the 25th of March 2012 is when the new Give Way rules in New Zealand take effect.
Are you prepared? Are you insured?
Whether you've been driving from way back when you could get your Licence at 15 and off you went, or if you've just got your Restricted or Full Licence these changes require you to take a moment and think before you move forward from an intersection!
We all need to retrain our brains on the "give way to your right" rule that has been programmed into us all!
If you haven't already, check out the NZTA's website here, there are simple illustrations that actually make it seem quite clear... although it will be a different story when you are in your car and on "auto pilot", doing your usual drive to drop the kids at school, get to work, the supermarket or the gym.
So, where does this leave you with your car insurance? If you are "at fault" then its your excess thats going to be hit and possibly your no claims bonus!
When was the last time you checked your car insurance?
If you want a free review of your car insurance policy get in touch today... now is a good time to check your covers and check the market for the best possible car insurance.
CONTACT ME for a free car insurance review
Insurance People freephone 0800 823 823