Wednesday, September 14, 2011

ATTENTION:Self Employed

Want to save money on your levies?
If you are self employed or palnning to become self employed you'll know that one cost you can not avoid is your ACC levies... for most its like one of those 'grudge' costs, something we have no choice on - or do you?

Yes. Actually, when it comes to your ACC levies you do have a choice to decrease or increase your levies. Its called ACC CoverPlus Extra and the team of advisers at Insurance People are now fully trained and skilled in this area. (Check out our July blog for more details...)

As each persons situation is completely different to the next, we're encouraging all self employed to make the call, contact us for a chat and to see if your ACC is right for your current circumstances.

Do you know...

How much you pay in levies?

The amount you'll receive in case of an accident?

What 'offsets' means and the effect this may have on you?

If you have the right ACC job classification code? If it is wrong, it could be costing you!

Things you should know...

ACC will only pay out if you have an accident - it does not cover illness.

Mortgage Repayment insurance covers you for illness and accident and does not affect your ACC.

Income Protection gives you choice and certainty of income if unable to work due to illness or accident.

You do have a choice on how much you pay in ACC levies.

Request an ACC review here.
PS - one of our first ACC reviews identified an incorrect job classification code, that person received $14,000 back in over paid levies! We can't promise that for everyone, but is has proven one thing for sure - its worth while getting an ACC review done!

Disclosure Statement available on request and free of charge.

Our flat lining OCR

You may ask why are we writing about the Offical Cash Rate on an insurance blog. Well, for all of you that read and follow our blog some of you just may be home owners, in fact we're pretty sure you are.

For those of you with a home and mortgage repayment cover or income protection or landlords protection insurance, house, contents and car... here is a little lead in to our sister blog in the mortgage area that we thought may be of interest.

From this morning's OCR announcement by Governor Bollard it seems our OCR is to flat line at 2.5% for just a little bit longer. Welcome news for home owners that are currently sitting on the floating rate. more>

Things to consider in the FIXED vs FLOATING debate:

  • If interest rates rise do you have money in your budget to cover it?

  • Are you on a fixed income and financially stretched as it is?

  • Do you have the income to pay extra off your mortgage now?

  • Do you want to repay your mortgage as quickly as possible?

  • Is certainty of your budget critical?

  • If interet rates increase - how far could your budget stretch?
If you want to know more - click here
or email us to request a mortgage review.

Disclosure Statement available on request and free of charge.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

We're on TV...

We want you all to know that our 'sister' company Mortgage People is currently on TV One and TV Two... you can see the advert right here:

All too often we encourage you all to review your insurance to make sure that your cover is relevant as life changes... what about your mortgage and debts?

Do you need advice in that area? Do you have a question about home loans or interest rates?

  • Are you a first home buyer?

  • Looking to refinance your existing mortgage?

  • Need to consolidate your debts?

If you are a home owner who has a mortgage do you have Mortgage Repayment Insurance? Do you have Income Protection? A good question for you - how long have you had your mortgage? And when was the last time you checked your insurance to make sure you have enough cover just in case the unexpected happens to you?

QUESTIONS? Ask Katrina here

Maybe you know someone who needs advice about there mortgage and/or insurance - share this blog and our details... we'd love to help!

Disclosure Statement available on request and free of charge.